Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Words of Medicine: Sources, Meanings and Delights

The Words of Medicine: Sources, Meanings and Delights Review

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The Words of Medicine: Sources, Meanings and Delights Feature

This book is a history of the medical vocabulary presented in topical (rather than dictionary) form. While most other books on medical words are arranged as dictionaries, rather than topically, and are much more selective in their presentation, this book entertains a comprehensive and historical approach to the subject. It is written primarily for physicians, biomedical scientists, and medical students, but should also appeal to anyone in the health professions or biological sciences with a “feel” for medical history and the English language. It will also be useful to some teachers of English or linguistics. The idea of the book developed over at least a decade, and brings together for the author a lifelong interest in words, classical and modern languages, and the history of medicine. The purpose is not only to foster the more precise use of the language of medicine by doctors and biomedical scientists, but also to enhance their enjoyment of the vocabulary they use professionally on a daily basis. Readers will find that the book contains a wealth of knowledge and provides for some very pleasurable reading.

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