Thursday, September 22, 2011

Man Cannot Live on Vitamins Alone: How vitamin supplements &corporate

Man Cannot Live on Vitamins Alone: How vitamin supplements &corporate Review

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Man Cannot Live on Vitamins Alone: How vitamin supplements &corporate Feature

Are corporate scientists and the supplement industry fooling us? Big business, politics and chemical manufacturers influence the course of health careeven so-called natural health caremore than most of us realize. Instead of understanding and appreciating natural foods and environmental health, we have been confused and misled to believe that scientists can improve on Nature without creating a dangerous chain reaction of side effects and toxicity. If you take vitamin supplements, Man Cannot Live on Vitamins Alone, by Dr. Vic Shayne, is a wake-up call that can save you and your familys health. This critically-important, easy-to-read book scientifically proves that vitamins and other nutrients are nutritious only when still contained in their original foods. Supplements are either natural or they are not, and theres nothing natural about a vitamin that has been extracted from a food or made in a laboratory. This book shows you how to tell the difference between real nutrition and foods that have been altered by science!

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